Between ________ (name of the Manufacturer Company) legally represented by Mr. ________ and from another party _______ (name of the company) legally represented by Mr. _______, hereinafter referred to as «Manufacturer» and «Supplier» respectively, they celebrate by means of this document Adaptable Solar Charger Manufacturing Contract, from now on the «Charger», governed by the following clauses:
FIRST: Object. The Manufacturer undertakes to produce the Charger and the Supplier undertakes to train and deliver materials for its manufacture.
SECOND: Training. The Supplier will train the Manufacturer in the manufacturing process, delivering the production technical sheets that contain all the information about the production process, including details of necessary materials, cutting molds, measurements, indications for prints, assembly sequences and references of controls quality.
TERCERA: Materiales. El Ordenante proveerá del panel solar con el cable soldado y de la carcasa de inyección de plástico para el circuito electrónico y batería, que serán enviados al país de fabricación. Todo el resto de materiales será adquirido en el país de fabricación, incluyendo batería, insumos textiles, estampas, etiquetas y empaquetado.
THIRD: Materials. The Supplier will provide the solar panel with the soldered cable and the plastic injection housing for the electronic circuit and battery, which will be sent to the country of manufacture. All other materials will be acquired in the country of manufacture, including battery, textile supplies, stamps, labels and packaging.
FOURTH: Confidentiality. The Manufacturer is obliged to keep the technical data sheets and the production materials of the Charger in complete confidentiality. This confidentiality extends to all persons who work directly or indirectly in the manufacture of the product, plus all persons who may enter or visit the factory. In the event that copies of the product appear, a background filtering information study will be conducted, for which reason the Manufacturer may incur an administrative, economic and criminal case regarding the damages and losses generated by infringing this clause.
FIFTH: Marketing. The Supplier is responsible for the commercialization of the Charger, being the Manufacturer solely and exclusively responsible for the production process, being unable to carry out any commercial action on it. Any commercial action will incur the penalties mentioned in the FOURTH clause, as well as the manufacturing verification of more units than those requested by the Manufacturer.
SIXTH: Exclusivity. The Manufacturer will enjoy exclusivity for the manufacture of the Charger, and undertakes to render and manufacture only the units requested by the Supplier. This exclusivity extends both to the physical territory (indicate delimited territory) and to the virtual one. Both virtual and physical marketing aside the Supplier of units that do not correspond to the bar codes generated for the original production lines, must be reported immediately to the Supplier. Moreover, the Manufacturer is prohibited to manufacture, commercialize or publicize any other solar charger or similar product to the Charger entrusted in this contract, except both manufacturer and supplier sign another contract of manufacture, being the manufacturer prohibited of signing a contract with another company for a solar charger or similar product to the Charger entrusted in this contract.
SEVENTH: Delivery. The Manufacturer will deliver the production batch of the Charger within (____) after receiving the production order from the Supplier and having all the necessary materials for the production. Delivery will be at the Supplier‘s facilities at ___________ (address); The Supplier will have _____ (__) business days counted from the day he receives the product, to make any claim about the quality or quantity received.
EIGHTH: Price. The value of each manufactured product is $ ________.
NINTH: Payment. The Supplier will pay the Manufacturer according to the volume of finished and delivered products together with their respective sales invoice within ____ (__) days after delivery.
TENTH: Production costs. All costs of production materials shall in charge of the Supplier and all labor costs shall be in charger of the Manufacturer.
ELEVENTH: Duration. This Manufacturing contract will have a duration of ______ although it can be terminated by either party at least _____ (__) in advance, but if a production order is already in execution, the Manufacturer will terminate it and the Supplier must receive it and pay it .
DOCEAVA: Extinción. Una vez extinto el contrato, por cualquier motivo, el Fabricante no podrá fabricar el Cargador antes solicitado por el Proveedor, ni tampoco ningún tipo de cargador solar o producto similar, para sí mismo, para el proveedor, ni para un tercero, salvo que el Fabricante y el Proveedor vuelvan a generar un nuevo contrato de fabricación.
TWELFTH: Extinction. Once the contract has expired, for any reason, the Manufacturer may not manufacture the Charger previously requested by the Supplier, nor any type of solar charger or similar product, for itself, for the Supplier, or for a third party, unless the Manufacturer and the Supplier sign a new manufacturing contract.
DOCEAVA: Tribunal de Arbitramento. En caso de conflicto entre las partes de este contrato de distribución relativa a este contrato, su ejecución y liquidación, las partes se someten a la jurisdicción de los Tribunales de la Capital Federal, para lo cual establecen los siguientes domicilios legales en los indicados al comienzo del presente, donde se tendrán por válidas todas las notificaciones.
THIRTEENTH: Arbitration Court. In case of conflict between the parties to this distribution contract relating to this contract, its execution and settlement, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, for which they establish the following legal addresses in those indicated at the beginning of the present, where all notifications will be considered valid.
The Manufacturer
The Supplier